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Front-End Developer

About the client

Our customer is a young and fast-growing AI firm located in Stockholm, Sweden. They have created an innovative system that evaluates and quantifies the customer experience during e-commerce and online service transactions with great precision, generating a continuous flow of detailed behavioral data. This empowers us to employ machine learning and AI techniques that can be implemented instantly, forecasting the most effective messages to persuade visitors to make crucial business decisions, such as converting or purchasing additional products.



  • You will assist the team in building custom website tracking and personalization implementations, such as product recommendations, discount offers, and social messages, using plain JavaScript.
  • Participate in daily morning check-ins.
  • Communicate daily using Slack and Google Meet.


  • 1-3 years of experience in building and maintaining web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Demonstrated experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Web APIs, and the DOM. Be prepared to showcase your previous work.
  • Some experience working with SQL databases and familiarity with Google Cloud Platform.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
  • Ability to effectively communicate complex concepts to non-technical peers and members of other teams.
  • Comfortable working autonomously with a high level of self-motivation and organization, and the ability to work remotely.
  • Familiarity with software engineering best practices such as code review, version control, continuous integration, testing, and ensuring adherence to these practices by others.

As a plus

  • Knowledge of Python and experience working with it.

We offer

  • Competitive salary and benefits.
  • Flexible working hours.
  • Vacation – 20 working days’ annual leave.
  • Paid sick days.
  • A personal laptop with all the essential software installed.
  • State holidays are granted.
  • Corporate accountant, lawyer, and psychologist services.
  • Bureaucracy-free and transparent management.
  • Costs related to participation in workshops and professional conferences are covered (50% compensation).
  • Online English classes with a native speaker (50% compensation).
  • Free sports sessions with a professional coach.

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    Job details

    Front-End Developer

    Kyiv, Remote, Warsaw



    Kyiv, Remote, Warsaw

    Job type

    Full time

    English level


    Date posted

    Jul 9, 2024